Next Concerts
Thursday 10th April
B Minor Mass, Bach in New York
Saint Thomas Church, 1 West 53rd Street
Sunday 13th April
Services for Palm Sunday – St Thomas Church, New York
Saint Thomas Church, 1 West 53rd Street
Monday 14th April
A Choral Meditation – St Thomas Church, New York
Saint Thomas Church, 1 West 53rd Street
If you’re a confident singer
Would you like to join the choir?
We’re always looking for new voices to add to our membership.
Vasari Singers is among the leading chamber choirs in Britain.
Our repertoire ranges from Renaissance to contemporary which we sing with passion and sensitivity, to exacting standards and considerable acclaim. We enjoy performing concerts in major venues in London as well as elsewhere in the UK; singing services at cathedrals, including an annual visit to Canterbury; adding to our extensive and critically acclaimed discography; and touring other parts of Europe.
Latest News & Reviews
Latest Video
Marcel Dupre Celebration Premiered on Zoom on 28/05/21. Double-click on the play button for full-screen
“…one of the finest small choral groups of our time.”
Committed to new music
Since 2000, the choir has commissioned over 25 new works.
Vasari is a great supporter of contemporary music, with a reputation for seeking out new and challenging modern repertoire. We regularly commission and première works, and have made many notable world première recordings.
The choir is always looking to perform and commission new works, and is actively seeking to promote new British composing talents.
In 2020, we commissioned a new Christmas carol from Helena Paish, an exciting young composer who won the BBC Proms Inspire Competition and then went on to be the youngest composer in the BBC Seven Ages of Woman Project. The carol’s text comes from a poem by Anne Brontë entitled ‘On Christmas Morning’ and, in December that year, we made a video recording of it in lieu of the live performance we’d planned for our cancelled Christmas concert. Previous to that, 2014 saw Vasari working with British composer Jonathan Rathbone. Best known for his close-harmony Swingle Singers arrangements, Jonathan also has a deep understanding of sacred choral music (indeed, Vasari has premiered and recorded two of Jonathan’s anthems) and the première concert and subsequent CD which was released in Autumn 2015, the first recording on our VasariMedia label, were both received enthusiastically.